Neueste Einträge (14)

Christine Freund
Lieber Prof. Lohmann,
Danke für die Streitbarkeit, den Witz, die Nahbarkeit, mit der Sie in Ihren Vorlesungen, Seminaren und Arbeitsgesprächen die Philosophie belebten - bei allem Insistieren auf Präzision in Denken, Begriff und Ausdruck. Ohne Sie als Mentor hätte ich 1990 den Mut zur MA-Abschlussarbeit nicht gefunden.
Ihr Engagement für Menschenrechte habe ich auch danach immer wieder verfolgt und dabei heute von Ihrem Tod erfahren. Sie werden sehr fehlen und mir immer lebendig in Erinnerung bleiben.
Danke für Alles.

Ying Chen
Dear Georg,
I am so sorry to hear you passed away and I still cannot believe it is true. I have been involved with my own stuff for a long time and forget to check on you, though we agreed to meet in Hamburg or Berlin someday.
The last time we met was last June, at Peter's seminar via zoom. I still remember you lying in bed in the hospital, but you appeared to us as a healthy and active thinker when you presented your draft -- the criticism of Confucianism.
I feel so bad to lose you as a kind and inspiring philosopher and teacher. It was my honor to meet you at Fudan Uni originally and I was lucky to be responsible to host you and have the chance to know you in person. You were always patient, gentle, and considerate. And I am still grateful for the insightful comments you gave on my paper.
Rest in peace.
your sincerely

Stefan Kelling
Liebe Herr Prof. Lohmann,
mit tiefer Trauer habe ich erfahren, dass Sie uns schon verlassen haben. Für Ihr Geduld und Ihre Ratschläge während meines Studiums in Magdeburg kann ich mich nun nur noch auf diesen Weg bedanken. Ich werde an Sie denken.

Hab dich lieb Opi tschau tschau❤️🖐🏻😘

Jitai Zhang
Dear Prof Lohmann,
I am deeply sorry to know that you have passed away. I was about to share the news with you that I will come back to study in Germany this Fall, but what I found is the obituary.
It is still a vivid memory for me about the conference at Fudan and our nice lunch and discussion together. You were always nice to me and willing to help me, regardless of the fact that I was just an undergraduate nobody at the time. Your ideas about the public sphere and feminism are always inspiring. I wish I could talk to you more and learn more from you, and I wish I could see you coming to Shanghai for conferences again.
May you rest in peace. For your family members and friends, please have my condolences.